By Jock McGregor
January 9, 2023
“Take hold of instruction, do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life.” Proverbs 4:13 Dear Friends, As we look forward to another year, for the Rochester L’Abri branch it is with a deep sense of gratitude . The Lord has been faithful. Last year, as you will remember, was filled with accidents and setbacks, the most serious being the near-fatal car accident that Mercy had. Yet we ended the year all well and back to full health. For Mercy there was a lovely Christmas at home with her whole family gathered, back to full strength and more settled than ever in her invaluable role in our team. For Alison and me, it meant a long-awaited trip back to Australia to reconnect with her growing family down-under. After the Covid years and an absence of six years, it was wonderful to catch up with newly-wed family members and meet the newest little ones – and a chance for a good rest. For our dear friend and faithful helper, Karen, she ended her year and a half with us by relocating to a lovely little retirement cottage, right near her close family, in Sheridan, Wyoming. We could not have made it through last year without her help. With the covid years behind us now, we saw a return to better student numbers both here in Rochester and also down at the newly completed Ebenezer Retreat Center, and our faithful supporting community helped us end the year once again with a solid financial picture. But even as we ended the year with a sense of relief at God’s protection and provision, the year ahead looked challenging. With Karen gone, we had no helpers in sight and the Lowe’s were still stuck in the UK waiting for a visa that might never come. If the last year proved anything, it showed that our small team desperately needs help. So, what joy it was, the week before Christmas, to get word that the visa application had been approved! And, as always, the Lord’s timing is perfect. In the interim, this dear family had been able to help out at the English L’Abri, gaining valuable experience, but also getting precious time with family who live nearby. There are still a few practical hurdles to get through, but James and Imogen Lowe and their four kids are headed our way – and not a minute too soon. Do please pray for all the logistics, for safe travel, and for them to settle well into the home we have already had prepared and waiting for them for over a year now. Pray also that our monthly gifts will grow to meet the challenge of adding this large family to our payroll. But, most of all, simply give thanks with us for this significant development in the Rochester branch. Not long after that good news, we also got good news regarding the Carriage House project . You may remember that a generous donor gave a large donation to fund this project and earlier this past year we had a set of plans finalized and a contractor on board. We were ready to start in the Fall. But then came the sticker-shock, as we got the actual bid from the contractor! I’m sure you are all fully aware of the steep rise in building supply costs and the increase in construction costs. The whole project looked prohibitive, and we were back to the drawing board. But, as we start this new year, I’m happy to say that yet another generous gift from the same donor, and some negotiating with the builder, means we can indeed move forward in the Spring with this project. The plan is now to build the shell of the building with the money we have as phase I and then look to the Lord for the rest to come in for a phase II completion later. We also had the good news that the Rochester City just introduced new zoning laws, starting this year, that will significantly help us get permitting approval. Please keep praying for this. So, as I said, we look forward now to this new year with deep gratitude to God, and a spring in our step. Tomorrow, we head down to MO for our usual January Retreat at Ebenezer and are looking forward to the students that God always sends. We have several internationals booked in this time, some new faces and then the many who like to return time after time. Some will remember Billy Hastings, who interned with us for two years – we are very much looking forward to seeing him again at the Retreat and meetings his wife and their new baby. Larry Snyder will also be coming out – we take great joy in the continuity of relationships we have built over the 20 odd years we have been doing these Retreats in the St Louis area. When we come back, it will be all hands on deck for our next Rochester L’Abri Conference – our 29 th ! The theme this year could not be more current or important - the challenges within our higher education system. The University is actually a fruit of the Christian worldview and for centuries was an arm of the Church. But in our modern/postmodern secular age, it is now beset by difficulties and an increasingly challenging place for believers. For some time now, Christians have been focused on doing better for our children’s education, and at the K-12 level there are good options, but the challenge at the tertiary level is arguably much greater and given the influence of the Academy in the wider culture, perhaps of more consequence. What should a Christian response look like? We are thankful for many Christian professors who maintain a faithful presence in the Academy, often under great pressure, we will have many speaking at the Conference. We are thankful too for the growth of the Christian Study Center movement that provides a link between Church and University and a great support to our young Christian students – a number will be represented at the Conference. But there are other creative efforts out there also, gap-year programs, church-based models, Christian alternatives, and so on – we hope to bring some of these to the fore, as we look at a multifaceted problem that may well need multifaceted solutions. Education is a Christian mandate and, given the influence of the academy in the wider culture, something that impacts us all – please do plan to join us if you can on February 17/18, 2023, at the Kahler Grand Hotel in downtown Rochester for “From one generation to another: The Christian Education Mandate and its Challenges” . You can get full details and register at The challenge of Education is not primarily, of course, a question of models, but a question of Worldview. Do we live in an open or a closed Universe? What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? Is there a Canon or is everything relative? Is the goal of education anchored in Truth or Social Justice? Is Truth Christian or is all Truth God’s Truth? Can we have a telos to Education if we do not have a telos to life? These and many other questions will be front and center at the Conference. And, whilst their ultimate resolution may be complex, for the Christian the ultimate answer lies where this Newsletter started. In gratitude to God – the God who is really there, the Creator God who anchors all reality, in whom all things hold, and who has given us the Book of His Word as a light that illuminates everything, and the Book of His Works, that he invites us to explore - who gives us meaning and identity and telos in all of life, and before whom, if we receive all these things in humble gratitude, lies the possibility of Life, Light and, yes, Learning. Thank you for your support and prayers over the years – please continue to pray for us as we seek to serve Him who has called us to these great realities, and as we serve those He sends our way. Yours in Christ, Jock McGregor